To view dates and application options, click on the corresponding category.
If you need advice/help, contact, tel. 608 555 088. At the moment, all planned courses until the end of March are listed. Later, we will add courses in April.

Workshop Snowpark

basic information

07. – 07. 03. 2025
Application for the course possible within the deadline:
09. 10. 2024 –  25. 02. 2025
full price:
1500 Kč
subsidized price :
course venue:
Vítkovice, Aldrov
Leading trainer:

Type of the course

Name of the course:
WS SNB snowpark
Additional information:
  refreshing course
Entry education level:
Snowboarding C
Achieved level of education:
Prolongace SNB (1rok) ( platnost 1 rok )

Course details

1denní workshop, který slouží jako:
- celodenní trénink ve snowparku pod vedením freestylového lektora APUL
- přípravný camp na snowparkovou část kurzu APUL Snowboarding B
- prolongace licencí APUL Snowboarding C a APUL Snowboarding B o 1 rok

Snowpark FreestyleArea Vítkovice je nejlepším snowparkem v ČR. Samostatný vlek, celý kopec zasvěcený freestylu a unikátní atmosféra, to vše je důvodem, proč se na tomto místě koná i náš workshop. Strávíme zde celý den a společně se ve snowparku naučíme fungovat. Workshop je určen i instruktorům, kteří ve snowparku nikdy nejezdili. Po ježdění bude následovat krátký videocoaching záběrů pořízených během dne.

Pro ty, kteří se chtějí na místě zdržet delší dobu, doporučujeme ubytování ve Freestyle SNB house.

Skipas pro tuto akci nezajišťujeme. Kup si skipas "1 denní JIZERKA 9-16h" zde:

Zahájení v 9h u dolní stanice vleku Jizerka.

Kontakt na lektora: Martin POPPR, 605154228

Cancellation policy

Please notify the cancellation of the course by email to
Cancellation of participation in the course more than 14 days before the start of the course is free of cancellation fee.
Cancellation 14 days or less before the start of the course - a cancellation fee of 50% (of all ordered services) will be charged. Cancellation of the course must be done no later than the day before the course starts. When canceling the application, please write the account number to which we will return the money.
There is no refunds for cancellations on the course starting day (or later).

Payment terms and conditions

Payment is made through The Pay payment gateway. After filling out the application form and ordering additional services, you will be immediately redirected to the payment gateway. Payment in cash is not possible.

Registration for the course is definite only after payment of the course fee. We will confirm your definite course application by e-mail after receiving the payment.